Mols Bolsjer
Lakridseriet - Oslo Lakridskaramel m. flødechokolade og lakrids 110g
Normal pris
55,00 kr
Normal pris
55,00 kr
Lakridskaramel med flødechokolade & lakrids
Ingredienser: Sukker, glukosesirup, palme olie, sorbitol, animalsk gelatine, dextrose, aromaer, farvestof(E153), emulgator
(SOJA lechitin). Mælkechokolade: Kakaoindhold: 30%, (sukker, sødMÆLKspulver, kakaomasse, kakaosmør,
vallepulver(MÆLK), emulgator: SOJA lechitin, naturlig vanilje aroma), lakridspulver. Kan indeholde spor af nødder og
Ingredients: Sugar, glucose syrup, palm oil, sorbitol, animal gelatin, dextrose, flavorings, coloring agent (E153), emulsifier
(SOY lecithin). Milk chocolate: Cocoa content: 30% (sugar, whole MILK powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, whey
powder(MILK), emulsifier:SOY lecithin, natural vanilla flavor), licorice powder.
May contain traces of nuts and peanuts.
Zutaten: Zucker, Glukosesirup, Palmöl, Sor bitol, tierische Gelatine, Dextrose, Aromen, Farbstoffe (E153), Emulgator (SOJA
Lecithin). Milchschokolade: Kakaogehalt: 30% (Zucker, VollMILCHpulver, Kakaomasse, Kakaobutter, Molkepulver(MILCH),
Emulgator: SOJA Lecithin, natürliches Vanillearoma), Lakritzpulver.
Kann Spuren von Nüssen und Erdnüssen enthalten.
Næringsindhold/Nutritional values/ Nährwertangaben/100g:
Energi/Energy/Energie 1986 KJ (473 kcal)
Fedt/Fat/Fett/ 21,5g
heraf mættede fedtsyrer/of which saturated fat/
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 13,1g
Kulhydrat/Carbohydrate/ Kohlenhydrat 64,7g
heraf sukkerarter/of which sugars/davon Zucker 62,2g
Protein 4,3g
Salt/Salz 0,05g
Ingredienser: Sukker, glukosesirup, palme olie, sorbitol, animalsk gelatine, dextrose, aromaer, farvestof(E153), emulgator
(SOJA lechitin). Mælkechokolade: Kakaoindhold: 30%, (sukker, sødMÆLKspulver, kakaomasse, kakaosmør,
vallepulver(MÆLK), emulgator: SOJA lechitin, naturlig vanilje aroma), lakridspulver. Kan indeholde spor af nødder og
Ingredients: Sugar, glucose syrup, palm oil, sorbitol, animal gelatin, dextrose, flavorings, coloring agent (E153), emulsifier
(SOY lecithin). Milk chocolate: Cocoa content: 30% (sugar, whole MILK powder, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, whey
powder(MILK), emulsifier:SOY lecithin, natural vanilla flavor), licorice powder.
May contain traces of nuts and peanuts.
Zutaten: Zucker, Glukosesirup, Palmöl, Sor bitol, tierische Gelatine, Dextrose, Aromen, Farbstoffe (E153), Emulgator (SOJA
Lecithin). Milchschokolade: Kakaogehalt: 30% (Zucker, VollMILCHpulver, Kakaomasse, Kakaobutter, Molkepulver(MILCH),
Emulgator: SOJA Lecithin, natürliches Vanillearoma), Lakritzpulver.
Kann Spuren von Nüssen und Erdnüssen enthalten.
Næringsindhold/Nutritional values/ Nährwertangaben/100g:
Energi/Energy/Energie 1986 KJ (473 kcal)
Fedt/Fat/Fett/ 21,5g
heraf mættede fedtsyrer/of which saturated fat/
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 13,1g
Kulhydrat/Carbohydrate/ Kohlenhydrat 64,7g
heraf sukkerarter/of which sugars/davon Zucker 62,2g
Protein 4,3g
Salt/Salz 0,05g